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Showing posts from September, 2018


Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9+ Features, Review you're probably wondering if it's worth your money for an upgrade. you may also just be wondering if it's good phone or not. I think the best way to describe this phone is it's a nearly perfect samsung phone. so last year the Galaxy S8  had the infinite display this year  again  Galaxy S9 has one of the absolute best displays in any smartphone sandwiched between even slightly thinner top and bottom bezels and last time they've even done a slightly better job hiding the sensors and things in that top bezel so the black looks more seemless. you also had USB-C and wireless charging, fast charging, headphone jack, water resistant and then the biggest change on the outside has to be obviously the fingerprint reader placement it's now in the middle instead of up at the top next to the camera and that makes huge difference. Last year's Galaxy S8  also had top notch specs when it came out S9 here ke